Quality fascia products offering value for money

Freefoam fascia, soffit, and guttering products offer the best value for money.

Freefoam’s products are not the most expensive. They are also not the cheapest. In fact we’re pretty much in the middle when you compare us on price. However, while the difference in PRICE is very small the difference in QUALITY is huge.

Freefoam’s products offer the best value for money on the market and come with industry leading guarantees.

Low lifetime costs for roofline replacement

A Freefoam roofline replacement costs approximately 0.13p per day! The range needs no replacement, or costly on-going repairs or maintenance for decades giving you incredible value for money. 

A typical installation divided by the number of days your roofline will last, gives the figure of 0.13p per day.

Low maintenance saves time & money on repairs & replacements

PVC is easier to recycle, easier to maintain and MUCH more durable than wood. Good news for the environment and good news for you.

Fascia, soffit and guttering products made from PVC can be expected to give decades of reliable service with almost no maintenance. Unlike timber products they don’t require you to spend time and money sanding down and repainting on a regular basis. All they need is an occasional wash and wipe down with a damp cloth.

Fascia that's guaranteed for 50 years

Freefoam roofline products can be guaranteed for up to 50 years* Manufactured to the highest standards to withstand warping, cracking and discolouration they are the ultimate fit and forget product.

*White products only. When fitted with Freeflow gutter system. Installation must be fitted by Freefoam Registered Installer.